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Boeing 777 United Airlines flying over amazing sunset
Miglagoa | Adobe Stock

Ultimate Guide to the Most Sustainable Airlines

Traveling not only comes with the actual monetary cost, but there are other costs to figure in when planning a vacation, and more and more, travelers are starting to consider the environmental impact of their travels. Whether through eco-tourism, choosing sustainable hotels, or just practicing more environmentally friendly practices, it’s at the forefront of many people’s minds. Transportation can be one of the most damaging environmental factors when traveling, whether by car, train, boat, or airplane. Trains are the most sustainable travel method, and boats are the worst, contrary to what most people believe. 

Modern high speed intercity train carries passengers. Public eco electric transport and technology
EdNurg | Adobe Stock

While flying may be better than taking a cruise, there is still a negative impact on the environment, so choosing an airline that is working towards being more sustainable is key to doing your part in helping the environment. 

When deciding which airlines to fly and what makes them sustainable, there are a few factors to consider. 

Operational Factors

  • Fuel Efficiency: This includes aircraft type, engine technology, and operational optimization (e.g., flight routes, air traffic management).
  • Emissions Reduction: Focus on reducing carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide, and other pollutants emitted by aircraft.
  • Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF): Adoption and use of biofuels or synthetic fuels to reduce carbon emissions.
  • Fleet Modernization: Investing in newer, more fuel-efficient aircraft models.
  • Weight Reduction: Reducing aircraft weight through material innovation and optimized cargo loads.

Environmental Management

Commercial aircraft wing with zero emissions and CO2 Reduction Icon
tanaonte | Adobe Stock
  • Carbon Offsetting: Implementing programs to compensate for carbon emissions through investments in renewable energy or reforestation projects.
  • Waste Management: Effective waste reduction, recycling, and disposal practices.
  • Noise Pollution: Minimizing aircraft noise impact on communities.
  • Water Conservation: Efficient water usage in airline operations.
  • Biodiversity: Protecting ecosystems and wildlife through responsible operations.

Corporate and Social Responsibility

Closeup business people talk ESG strategies and net zero waste in boardroom
tirachard |Adobe Stock
  • Transparency: Openly reporting environmental performance and setting clear sustainability goals.
  • Employee Engagement: Involving employees in sustainability initiatives.
  • Supply Chain Sustainability: Ensuring suppliers adhere to environmental standards.
  • Community Involvement: Supporting local communities and environmental projects.

Certifications and Standards

  • Adherence to International Standards: Complying with regulations and industry standards for environmental performance.
  • Seeking Certifications: Obtaining certifications like ISO 14001 (Environmental Management System) to demonstrate commitment.
  • CDP Score: The CDP, Carbon Disclosure Project, issues airlines a score which, According to Ecometria, is a rating system that assesses  “the performance of a diverse range of companies and cities looking specifically at how they manage their environmental impact, which includes their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.”

Major US Airlines have committed to achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, but until then, here are the most sustainable airlines. 

Top Eco-Friendly Airlines

Sustainability Factors United Airlines Alaska Airlines SAS Scandinavian Airlines KLM Lufthansa Japan ANA
Operational Factors 🛫🛫🛫 🛫🛫🛫 🛫🛫🛫 🛫🛫🛫🛫 🛫🛫🛫🛫 🛫🛫🛫🛫
Environmental Management 🛫🛫 🛫🛫🛫 🛫🛫🛫 🛫🛫🛫🛫 🛫🛫🛫🛫 🛫🛫🛫🛫
Corporate and Social Responsibility 🛫🛫🛫🛫 🛫🛫🛫🛫 🛫🛫🛫🛫 🛫🛫🛫 🛫🛫🛫 🛫🛫🛫
Certifications and Standards 🛫🛫🛫🛫 🛫🛫🛫🛫 🛫🛫🛫 🛫🛫🛫 🛫🛫🛫 🛫🛫🛫🛫
CDP Score B C B- B A- A

United Airlines 

According to CEO Scott Kirby, United has embraced “a new goal to be 100% green by 2050 by reducing our greenhouse gas emissions 100%.” They are well on their way to reach this goal, implementing several sustainable practices, including the purchase of 100 30-passenger hybrid-electric planes. They also focus on reducing jet fuel consumption through initiatives like increased use of sustainable aviation fuels and operational efficiencies. Beyond emissions, United is committed to a holistic approach, integrating sustainability into every aspect of their business, from ground operations to customer experiences. Recognizing the industry-wide challenge, they are actively collaborating with partners to drive change and invest in innovative solutions. United’s progress is evident in their industry-leading CDP score and validated sustainability targets, demonstrating their commitment to a more sustainable future for aviation.

Alaska Airlines

Alaska Airlines jet is taking off from Ted Stevens Anchorage International with high speed jet exhaust distorting the background view
Debra Lawrence | Adobe Stock

Alaska Airlines has solidified its position as a sustainability leader in the airline industry. The carrier has made significant strides in reducing its environmental impact through a multifaceted approach. By setting ambitious climate goals, including a net-zero carbon emissions target by 2040, Alaska Airlines demonstrates a strong commitment to sustainability. Their focus on fuel efficiency has contributed to lower emissions through operating a fuel-efficient fleet and optimized flight paths. Additionally, the airline’s proactive stance on sustainable aviation fuels and its efforts to reduce plastic waste onboard showcase its dedication to environmental stewardship. Alaska Airlines’ commitment to transparency and accountability further solidifies its reputation as a responsible corporate citizen.


SAS Scandinavian Airlines has proven itself dedicated to sustainable aviation through a combination of strategic initiatives. The airline has made significant strides by prioritizing using sustainable aviation fuel, a key factor in reducing emissions. With a focus on fleet modernization, SAS has invested in newer, more fuel-efficient aircraft to lower its environmental impact. Additionally, the airline’s commitment to operational efficiency, including optimized flight routes and weight reduction, contributes to its overall sustainability performance. SAS’s transparency regarding its sustainability efforts and active participation in industry initiatives solidifies its position as a responsible corporate citizen.


KLM Group with down trending charts
A2Z AI | Adobe Stock

KLM is a leader in sustainable air travel and continues to improve its fleet, use sustainable practices, and do its part in helping the environment recover from damage. KLM has begun using 1% SAF in every flight out of Amsterdam and aims to make that 10% by 2030. They also support three nature regeneration projects to  “help ecosystems recover from harmful human activity.” They are also constantly improving sustainability onboard through reducing weight, conscious meal choices, and recycling. 


In 2024, Lufthansa received top rating from the CDP, receiving an A-. The Lufthansa Group is committed to achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. To reach this ambitious goal, they aim to halve their net CO2 emissions by 2030 compared to 2019. Their strategies include modernizing their fleet, increasing the use of sustainable aviation fuel, optimizing flight operations, and offering sustainable travel options to customers. The group also supports climate research and has received validation for its climate targets from the Science-Based Targets Initiative.

Japan ANA

Tokyo, Japan - All Nippon Airways (ANA) Boeing B787-8 Dreamliner passenger plane.
zapper | Adobe Stock

Japan ANA received the only A from the CDP, making it the leading airline in sustainability for 2024. ANA has made significant strides in reducing its environmental impact through several key initiatives. It has been at the forefront of adopting Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF), investing heavily in its production and usage. Additionally, the airline has focused on operational efficiency, including optimizing flight paths and reducing aircraft weight. ANA has also been transparent about its sustainability goals and progress, demonstrating a strong commitment to environmental responsibility.

Factors to Consider When Flying

While choosing a more environmentally-conscious airline helps, there are a lot of things you can do to help as well. Here are some ways you can be more responsible when flying: 

Choose direct flights: Take-offs and landings are the most fuel-intensive parts of a flight. Direct flights (nonstop) can reduce emissions.

Pack light: A lighter aircraft burns less fuel. Pack efficiently to minimize luggage weight.

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