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The Best Uses of AI for Travel Planning

AI scares me as a writer (and, if I’m honest, as a human). I avoided it, and flat-out refused to use it for a long time. I have principles, and the fact that a computer is taking away many writing jobs from people doesn’t make me happy. I was shown how helpful of a tool it can be, (I highly recommend using it to create tables – it saves SO much time!). I will never use it to write anything; however, I have found that there is, in fact, a time and a place for AI, including the travel world.

While AI will never replace the importance of personal anecdotes and stylized writing an individual brings to travel writing, there are some things it is helpful for, whether it be using AI chatbots/virtual assistants or an AI-powered app. I tried out a few ways to use AI when planning travel and discovered the good, the bad, and the ugly that comes with AI tools. Here, I’ve narrowed it down to four uses of AI for planning travel: creating itineraries, making packing lists, booking flights, and booking hotels. Here’s what I found. 

1. Creating Itineraries 

While we love to provide guides for our readers, we can’t create every single itinerary or guide for every type of traveler or vacation. This is where AI comes in handy. You can ask AI to create an itinerary for you, and it will deliver. 

ChatGPT and Gemini

Google Gemini and OpenAI ChatGPT app icons on the screens of a Google Pixel smartphone and an iPhone.
Tada Images | Adobe Stock

To test how AI made the itinerary,  I asked two different AI platforms (ChatGPT and Gemini)  to “create a travel itinerary for me for a 6-day trip to England, including London and Stonehenge. I do not want to go anywhere more than 2 hours on the train from London.” I chose London/England because I am extremely familiar with it, so I’d better understand how good/bad the itinerary was. 

Chat GPT
Day 1: Arrival in London
– Arrive in London and check into your hotel.
– Take a leisurely stroll around your hotel’s neighborhood and get acquainted with your surroundings.
– Visit the British Museum. Explore the extensive collection of art and historical artifacts.
– Have dinner in Covent Garden. Enjoy the lively atmosphere and street performers.
– If you’re up for it, catch a West End show for a classic London theater experience.

Day 2: Explore Central London
– Visit the Tower of London. Don’t miss the Crown Jewels and the Beefeaters.
– Walk across Tower Bridge and explore Borough Market for lunch.
– Take a river cruise on the Thames to see landmarks like the London Eye and Big Ben from the water.
– Dine in the Southbank area, which offers great views and a variety of restaurants.

Day 3: Day Trip to Stonehenge
– Take an early train from London Waterloo to Salisbury (approx. 1.5 hours).
– From Salisbury, take a short bus ride to Stonehenge.
– Explore Stonehenge and its visitor center. Learn about its history and the mysteries surrounding it.
Return to Salisbury for lunch and explore the historic town.
– Return to London in the evening. Relax and have dinner in a local restaurant or your hotel.

Day 4: Windsor and Eton
– Take a train from London Paddington to Windsor & Eton Central (approx. 30 minutes).
– Visit Windsor Castle, the official residence of the British monarch. Explore the State Apartments and St. George’s Chapel.
– Walk along the picturesque streets of Eton and visit Eton College if time allows.
– Have lunch in Windsor.
– Return to London. Enjoy a relaxed evening or explore a new neighborhood for dinner.

Day 5: Oxford Day Trip
– Take a train from London Paddington to Oxford (approx. 1 hour).
– Explore the University of Oxford, including iconic colleges like Christ Church and Radcliffe Camera.
– Visit the Ashmolean Museum or take a walk along the River Thames.
– Have lunch at a local pub or café.
– Return to London and enjoy your evening at leisure. Consider dining in a different area, like Soho or Shoreditch.

Day 6: London Highlights
– Visit Buckingham Palace and watch the Changing of the Guard (check the schedule as it varies).
– Stroll through St. James’s Park.
– Explore Westminster Abbey or the Houses of Parliament.
– Enjoy some shopping or sightseeing on Oxford Street or Regent Street.
– Have a farewell dinner at a top London restaurant or pub.

Accommodation: Choose a centrally located hotel or Airbnb to make travel within London and to nearby destinations convenient.
Transport: Consider getting an Oyster card for easy travel on London’s public transport system.
Weather: Check the weather forecast and pack accordingly, as the weather can be unpredictable.

This itinerary balances exploration with relaxation and allows you to experience some of England’s key highlights without extensive travel. Enjoy your trip!
Day 1: Arrival in London
– Arrive in London and check into your accommodation.
– Depending on your arrival time, explore the local area or relax.
– Enjoy a traditional English dinner in a pub.

Day 2: London Highlights
– Visit iconic landmarks like Buckingham Palace, Westminster Abbey, and the Houses of Parliament.
– Explore the British Museum or the National Gallery.
– Enjoy afternoon tea in a classic London setting.
– Evening: Catch a West End show or explore the vibrant nightlife.

Day 3: Stonehenge and Bath
– Take an early morning train to Salisbury (approximately 1 hour 30 minutes).
– Visit Stonehenge, a prehistoric monument shrouded in mystery.
– Return to Salisbury and explore its charming cathedral.
– Take a train to Bath (approximately 45 minutes).
– Explore the Roman Baths and Georgian architecture.
– Enjoy a relaxing evening in Bath.

Day 4: Bath and Windsor
– Spend the morning exploring Bath’s beautiful streets and shops.
– Take a train to Windsor (approximately 1 hour 30 minutes).
– Visit Windsor Castle, the Queen’s official residence.
Explore Windsor Great Park and Eton College.
Return to London for the evening.

Day 5: London: Museums and Parks
– Visit the Victoria and Albert Museum or the Natural History Museum.
– Enjoy a leisurely stroll through Hyde Park or Kensington Gardens.
– Experience a traditional British pub lunch.
– Enjoy a river cruise on the Thames for a different perspective of the city.

Day 6: Departure
– Depending on your departure time, enjoy a final breakfast or brunch in London.
– Explore additional sights or do some last-minute shopping.
– Depart from London Heathrow or Gatwick Airport.

Additional Tips:
– Consider purchasing a London Pass for discounted entry to attractions.
– Book train tickets in advance for better prices.
– Pack for changeable weather, as England’s climate can be unpredictable.
– Don’t forget to try traditional British cuisine like fish and chips and shepherd’s pie.
– Immerse yourself in the local culture by visiting pubs and markets.

This itinerary provides a balance of iconic sights, cultural experiences, and relaxation. Feel free to adjust it based on your interests and preferences. Enjoy your trip to England!

Would you like to focus on a specific interest, such as history, art, or shopping?

As you can see, they are similar but not exactly the same. The more specific you are, the more detailed itinerary you will get. It’s not perfect (it seems Gemini is a bit behind, referring to Windsor as the Queen’s residence, not the King’s), but it’s pretty good. 

I then asked it to use the same criteria but cater to someone who loves Shakespeare. They both adjusted, and here are the results: 

Chat GPT
Day 1: Arrival in London
– Arrive in London and check into your hotel.
Relax and get acquainted with your surroundings.
– Visit the Globe Theatre for a tour.
Experience the reconstructed Elizabethan theatre and learn about Shakespeare’s world.
– Have dinner in Southwark or near the Globe.
– Consider a Shakespeare-themed dining experience if available.

Day 2: Shakespeare’s London and Central Attractions
– Visit Shakespeare’s Globe Exhibition and the nearby South Bank area.
– Explore the British Library to see Shakespeare’s First Folio and other rare manuscripts.
– Visit the Royal Shakespeare Company’s theatre in London if they have special exhibitions or events.
– Dine in Covent Garden and enjoy a West End show, ideally one of Shakespeare’s plays if available.

Day 3: Day Trip to Stonehenge and Salisbury
– Take an early train from London Waterloo to Salisbury (approx. 1.5 hours).
– From Salisbury, take a bus to Stonehenge.
– Explore Stonehenge and its visitor center.
– Return to Salisbury and have lunch. Explore the historic town, including Salisbury Cathedral.
– Return to London in the evening.
– Enjoy dinner at a local restaurant or in the Southbank area.

Day 4: Stratford-upon-Avon
– Take an early train from London Marylebone to Stratford-upon-Avon (approx. 2 hours).
– Visit Shakespeare’s Birthplace and the Shakespeare Centre.
– Explore Anne Hathaway’s Cottage and Hall’s Croft.
– Enjoy a performance at the Royal Shakespeare Theatre if time allows.
– Return to London. Enjoy dinner in the Southbank or another lively area.

Day 5: Windsor and Eton
– Take a train from London Paddington to Windsor & Eton Central (approx. 30 minutes).
– Visit Windsor Castle and the surrounding area.
– Visit Eton College.
– Explore the charming streets of Eton and have lunch.
– Return to London and explore the literary heritage of Bloomsbury or dine in a different area, such as Soho.

Day 6: Oxford and Literary Farewell
– Take a train from London Paddington to Oxford (approx. 1 hour).
– Visit the Bodleian Library and see literary manuscripts.
– Explore the colleges of Oxford University, including Radcliffe Camera and Christ Church.
– Visit the Eagle and Child pub for lunch, a favorite spot for literary figures.
– Return to London.
– Have a farewell dinner at a top London restaurant or pub. If there’s an opportunity to see another Shakespearean play or literary event, this would be a fitting end to your trip.
Day 1: Arrival and Shakespearean Beginnings
– After checking in, visit Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre or the British Museum’s Shakespeare exhibition.
– Attend a performance of a Shakespearean play at the Globe or another London theater.
Day 2: Central London and Shakespearean Sites
– Visit the Tower of London, where Shakespeare’s plays were often performed.
– Take a Shakespearean walking tour to explore locations associated with the Bard.
– Attend a performance of a modern interpretation of a Shakespearean play.

Day 3: Stonehenge and Salisbury: A Historical Interlude
– Visit Stonehenge, a place rich in history and mystery, potentially inspiring Shakespeare’s works.
– Explore Salisbury Cathedral, where you can find connections to Shakespeare’s plays.

Day 4: Windsor Castle and Shakespearean Royalties
– Visit Windsor Castle, a place steeped in royal history, often depicted in Shakespeare’s plays.
– Explore Eton College, which has connections to many historical figures, including those mentioned in Shakespeare’s works.

Day 5: Oxford and Shakespearean Academia
– Visit the University of Oxford, a place of learning and inspiration for many writers, including Shakespeare.
– Explore Oxford’s connection to Shakespeare through its libraries and academic institutions.

Day 6: London Highlights and Shakespearean Finale
– Visit Westminster Abbey, where many famous figures, including Shakespeare, are buried.
– Enjoy a leisurely stroll through Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre or visit the National Portrait Gallery to see portraits of Shakespearean characters.
– Attend a final Shakespearean performance or visit a pub associated with the Bard.

It quickly adjusted the itinerary, adding more Shakespeare-oriented sites. I was surprised that Gemini omitted Stratford Upon-Avon, but that might be because the train ride is over two hours. ChatGPT first did not include Stonehenge in the Shakespeare-specific adjustment, so I had to remind it that I wanted Stonehenge, so it adjusted. With reminders, AI will adjust anything it forgot from a previous request. When I reminded ChatGPT that I didn’t want to go over 2 hours on a train, it replaced the Stratford trip with a day trip to Oxford, making day six more London highlights. 

When creating your itinerary with AI, be specific. Say how many days you will be there, and make sure you include any must-see attractions, as well as travel preferences (rail, bus, car rental, etc.). 

Other advantages of using AI to create your itinerary: It offers suggestions on what to pre-book and travel times—both key when planning a vacation. Figuring out how long you have between attractions or researching what you must purchase tickets for beforehand saves you a lot of time. 

What we love: The variety and specificity. I asked it to create an itinerary focused on children’s literature, one for an art teacher, one for 15th-century architecture, and one for theatre. Each one was unique and accurate. 

Why humans are better: Humans know the logistics of actually doing all of this stuff and will be able to recommend spots off the beaten path that are actually good. Sure, you can ask AI for off-the-beaten-path suggestions, but you have no idea if they will be good. 


TripHobo is an AI-driven trip-planning app that helps create detailed itineraries based on user preferences, including activities, attractions, and accommodations.

  1. Destination Selection: You start by choosing your destination(s) and the duration of your trip. The one thing I didn’t like here is I had to specify which cities I wanted to visit. I chose London, Stratford-Upon-Avon, and Bath. It then asks if you want it to include transportation, accommodation, and things to do. I chose all three. Stratford Upon Avon was not an option that I could find, so I chose “Stratford on Avon District,” hoping it would satisfy what I was looking for. 
  2. Interest Profile: Triphobo asks about your interests so that the itinerary can be tailored to your preferences. It asked if I was traveling solo, as a couple, with friends, or as a family. I said as a couple. 
  3. Itinerary Generation: Based on your inputs, Triphobo suggests a potential itinerary, including places to visit, activities, and transportation options. You have two viewing options, “Overview” and “Editable View.” The editable view looks more like a calendar, and you can pick and choose what you want, including the hotel and transportation options. Without me specifying that I wanted to visit Stonehenge, it included it. You can book a tour, hotel, and even transportation. 
  4. Customization: You can modify the suggested itinerary by adding, removing, or changing activities and accommodations. This was not as easy as I hoped it would be. Shakespeare’s Birthplace, grave, or visit to the Royal Shakespeare Company in Stratford were not included in the itinerary, and when I went to add them in the editable version, I couldn’t find them. I could manually enter them, but it seems odd to me that such major attractions aren’t there. 
  5. Collaboration: You can share your itinerary with friends or family to get feedback and collaborate on the planning process.
  6. Budget: There is an option to enter what your budget is for your trip. This doesn’t appear to change anything on the itinerary, rather, it is for your own planning. 

What we love: The personalization and editability of the app. 

Why humans are better: As personal as it was, adding a very popular attraction (Shakespeare’s birthplace) to the itinerary seemed harder than it should have been. 


This AI-powered itinerary management app organizes travel plans in one place. It can automatically import travel details from emails and provide real-time updates and alerts. While it doesn’t create an itinerary, once you start booking and planning your trip, TripIt will keep everything organized and easily readable. 

Here’s how it works: 

  1. Forward Your Confirmations: When you book a flight, hotel, rental car, or any other travel-related service, simply forward the confirmation email to [email protected].  
  1. TripIt Creates Your Itinerary: TripIt’s intelligent system automatically extracts the relevant information from the email, such as dates, times, locations, and confirmation numbers. It then organizes this data into a clear and easy-to-follow itinerary.  
  2. Stay Updated: TripIt can send you alerts for flight changes, gate information, and even potential travel disruptions. 

2. Packing

Family using paper travel check list
lithiumphoto | Adobe Stock

We love our packing lists here at SmarterTravel, so we decided to see how AI measures up to ours. 

I asked ChatGPT and Gemini to create packing lists for the UK trip. 

Chat GPT
• 5-7 casual tops (t-shirts, blouses)
• 2-3 long-sleeve shirts
• 2-3 sweaters or cardigans

• 3-4 pairs of pants/jeans
• 1-2 pairs of comfortable walking shorts or skirts (seasonal)

• 1 waterproof jacket
• 1 warm coat (if traveling in colder months)

•1 pair of comfortable walking shoes
• 1 pair of dressier shoes (for dinners or shows)
• 1 pair of sandals (if traveling in warmer months)

Undergarments and Socks:
• 10 pairs of underwear
• 10 pairs of socks
• 2-3 bras (if applicable)

• 2 sets of pajamas

• 1-2 scarves
• 1-2 hats (sunhat or beanie, depending on season)
• 1 pair of gloves (if traveling in colder months)
• Sunglasses

• Toothbrush and toothpaste
• Shampoo and conditioner
• Body wash or soap
• Deodorant
• Skincare products (moisturizer, sunscreen, etc.)
• Makeup and makeup remover (if applicable)
• Hairbrush or comb
• Hair styling products (if needed)
• Razor and shaving cream
• Travel-sized laundry detergent

• Travel documents (passport, visa, travel insurance, itinerary)
• Copies of important documents (keep a digital copy as well)
• Credit cards and some local currency
• Phone and charger
• Power adapter (UK plug)
• Camera and charger (if not using your phone)
• Portable charger
• Travel guidebook and maps
• Reusable water bottle
• Snacks for the journey
• Backpack or day bag for daily excursions
• Travel pillow and eye mask for the flight
• Reading material or e-reader

Health and Safety
• Prescription medications (in original packaging)
• Over-the-counter medications (pain relievers, motion sickness tablets, etc.)
• First aid kit (band-aids, antiseptic wipes, etc.)
• Face masks and hand sanitizer

For Specific Activities
• Comfortable walking shoes
• Weather-appropriate clothing
• Comfortable walking shoes
• Camera for photos
Warm layers:
• A waterproof jacket, sweaters, long-sleeved shirts, and jeans are essential.

Comfortable shoes:
• Good walking shoes are a must for exploring cities and theatres.

Formal wear:
• While not mandatory for every night, having at least one dressier outfit for theatre evenings is recommended.

Underwear and socks:
• Pack enough for your trip.

• A scarf, hat, and gloves can be useful, especially in colder months.

• Comfortable walking shoes for exploring cities.
• A dressier pair of shoes for theatre evenings.

• Essentials like shampoo, conditioner, soap, toothbrush, and toothpaste.
• Any specific skincare or hair products you use.

• Phone and charger.
• Camera and extra memory cards.
• Adaptor for UK power sockets.
• Headphones for enjoying music or audiobooks.

Other Essentials:
• Passport and travel documents.
• Travel insurance.
• Cash and cards.
• Umbrella.
• Reusable water bottle.
• First-aid kit.
• Any necessary medications.

ChatGPT gets the edge on this one, as it is much more specific. 

What we love: The ease with which the packing list was created. ChatGPT specifies the number of items that you should pack, which is super helpful. 

Why humans are better: Again, it goes back to that personal perspective, plus, when you use one of our packing lists, we link to all of the items for easy purchasing of things you don’t already have. 

Packing List AI App – PackPoint:

PackPoint uses AI to create personalized packing lists based on the destination, trip duration, weather, and planned activities. It’s similar to ChatGPT and Gemini, and you can check things off as you pack. It said if I held down my finger on an item, purchase options would pop up, but that didn’t happen for me. Not sure if this is in the works or if it just wasn’t working on my phone. I asked it to create a packing list for a 10-day trip to the UK. It is very generic and includes numbers, but it seems basic. 

3. Booking Flights

Google Flights website on iPhone screen
Koshiro | Adobe Stock

Using ChatGPT or Gemini to book a flight really just adds an extra step to the process because you can’t book directly from the sites. You still have to go to a booking site and input the dates yourself. They will, however, be able to offer suggestions on the best time to book a flight and tell you what the cheapest flight they found is.

For comparison’s sake, I asked it to find me a flight to London from Boston for a trip October 10 through October 20. It said United had a flight for $573. I found one cheaper, on Icelandair, for $474. So not only did I add a step by searching on Gemini first, but the price they gave me was not accurate. 

What we love: The suggestions on when to buy for your trip. 

Why humans are better: We can more accurately search to find the best price out there. 

4.  Booking Hotels

Closeup of a woman using laptop to book hotel stay.
New Africa | Adobe Stock

I asked ChatGPT and Gemini to recommend hotels for the UK itinerary. Each offered a variety of options, depending on budget. 

Chat GPT

1.The Savoy
• Location: Strand, London
• Highlights: Iconic hotel, river views, excellent dining options
2. The Ritz London

• Location: Piccadilly, London
• Highlights: Elegant, classic British luxury, afternoon tea
3. The Langham

• Location: Regent Street, London
• Highlights: Historic hotel, luxurious spa, central location

1. Premier Inn London County Hall
• Location: South Bank, London
• Highlights: Great location near the London Eye, comfortable and affordable
2. The Nadler Soho
• Location: Soho, London
• Highlights: Modern amenities, central location, kitchenette in rooms
3. citizenM Tower of London
• Location: Tower Hill, London
• Highlights: Stylish, modern, with great views of the Tower of London

1. YHA London Central
• Location: Great Portland Street, London
• Highlights: Clean, affordable, good for solo travelers and families
2. The Z Hotel Victoria
• Location: Victoria, London
• Highlights: Compact rooms, great location, budget-friendly
3. Point A Hotel London Westminster
• Location: Lambeth, London
• Highlights: Affordable, close to major attractions, comfortable

Stonehenge (Staying in Salisbury)

1. The Red Lion Hotel
• Location: Salisbury
• Highlights: Historic building, comfortable rooms, excellent service

1. The Chapter House
• Location: Salisbury
• Highlights: Central location, cozy rooms, good dining

1. Qudos Hotel

• Location: Salisbury
• Highlights: Affordable, clean, and comfortable


1. The Arden Hotel
• Location: Waterside, Stratford-upon-Avon
• Highlights: Luxurious, opposite the Royal Shakespeare Theatre, great dining

1. Hotel Indigo Stratford-upon-Avon
• Location: Chapel Street, Stratford-upon-Avon
• Highlights: Stylish, great location, good amenities

1. The Stratford Hotel
• Location: Arden Street, Stratford-upon-Avon
• Highlights: Comfortable, central location, good value

Luxury: The Dorchester, The Ritz London, The Lanesborough
Mid-Range: The Sanderson, The Bloomsbury Hotel, The Montague on the Gardens
Budget-Friendly: The Z Hotel Soho, Generator London, Premier Inn London Waterloo

Luxury: The Royal Crescent Hotel, The Gainsborough Bath Spa
Mid-Range: The Bath Priory, The Queensberry Hotel
Budget-Friendly: Holiday Inn Express Bath City Centre, Apex City of Bath Hotel

Luxury: The Castle Hotel Windsor, The Macdonald Inchyra Hotel
Mid-Range: The Crown Hotel Windsor, The George Hotel Windsor
Budget-Friendly: Travelodge Windsor Central, Premier Inn Windsor

Luxury: The Randolph Hotel, The Old Parsonage Hotel
Mid-Range: The Oxford Balliol College, The Loch Fyne Hotel Oxford
Budget-Friendly: The Oxford Backpackers Hostel, The Oxford Youth Hostel

Stonehenge (Nearby Salisbury)
Luxury: The Cathedral Hotel, The White Hart Hotel
Mid-Range: Premier Inn Salisbury, Holiday Inn Express Salisbury

I love that ChatGPT specifies what the hotels are near, which can help many people with their decision-making. 

What we love: The quick recommendations and various options. 

Why humans are better: Reviews! Personal anecdotes. I feel like, especially for accommodations, hearing what actual people think about it, seeing what amenities are available, etc.. makes a huge difference in making a decision when it comes to where to stay. The suggestions are great, but you are going to have to look them all up yourself anyway, so you might as well use one of our hotel round-ups when looking for a hotel to book

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We hand-pick everything we recommend and select items through testing and reviews. Some products are sent to us free of charge with no incentive to offer a favorable review. We offer our unbiased opinions and do not accept compensation to review products. All items are in stock and prices are accurate at the time of publication. If you buy something through our links, we may earn a commission.

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